• The Packets will be available at the check-in table in an envelope that includes the registree's name. There will be an additional $45 charge for R5 to supply the Packet printouts. The deadline for requesting Region 5 Packet printouts will be OCTOBER 18.

Region 5 Business Committees

Region 5 has 4 business committees:

  1. The Bylaws Committee is responsible for keeping the Region 5 Policies and Procedures, Bylaws, and the Standing Rules pertinent and current. The Bylaws committee is also the emergency new business committee which determines if motions generated need to be considered at the current assembly.
  2. The Finance Committee manages the investment and use of funds in the Region 5 bank accounts and prepares the budget for approval at the last assembly of the year.
  3. The Convention Committee puts on the Region 5 Convention which is held once a year somewhere in the region. The members of this committee are usually limited to Region 5 Representatives from the intergroup hosting the Convention in the upcoming year, the Region 5 Vice-Chair and Region 5 Hotel Liaison.
  4. The Media Committee creates and acquires Online Newsletter articles (Freedom from Bondage on the R5 website) and reviews and suggests content updates for the Region 5 website.

Please select your first and second choices. Assignments will be made prior to the start of the assembly and will be on your badge you will recieve when you check-in. We will do our best to accommodate your request. Remember that the expected term of service for the R5 Committees is for one year from the date that you first volunteered. Please choose accordingly. Thanks!

Outreach Committee of the Whole

Three sub-committees were created at the Spring 2024 Assembly. Remember that the expected term of service for the R5 Sub-Committees is for one year from the date that you first volunteered. Please choose accordingly. Thanks!

  1. Everything Intergroup Sub-committee
  2. Communications Connectivity Sub-committee
  3. Sponsorship–Speakers Sub-committee

Visitor Volunteer Service

If you are a visitor you will have the option to volunteer to do service at the assembly. You can volunteer for one or more of the following positions:

  1. The Copy Coordinator assists during committee meetings with making copies at the hotel business center.
  2. The Timer sits at the front of the room to assist the Region 5 with timing the parts of the assembly.
  3. The Session Readings assists Assembly business sessions by reading from OA materials.



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